Flaming Arrow Glitter Purple

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MSJMCW story (Haiku and story)

Different cultures
Represented by new foods
My mind is in bliss

The week started with Asia day where the students were to dress in red. The moment the lunch bell rang, huge masses of students dawned upon the 52 booths set up in the horse shoe. The first day is always fresh and exciting with new opportunities to satisfy your hunger. The first day, I got Japanese onigiris and Thai milk tea to really taste and feel the aura of Asia. Tuesday was Africa day and we were to wear green. Second day food is still amazing, but doesn't have the spark the first day does. I indulged myself in musubis and thai tea again, relishing in yesterday's theme of Asia. It's a wonderful experience allowing one to have a slice of another ethnicity.

Shared with Abraham

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